
32004L0018: c3-10

Defence procurement

EU Law Community DK Law EU Cases DK Cases

EU Law

32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) Article 10
Section 2
    Specific situations
Article 10
    Defence procurement
    This Directive shall apply to public contracts awarded by contracting authorities in the field of defence, subject to Article 296 of the Treaty.
31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) Article 3
Article 3
    Without prejudice to Articles 2, 4 and 5 (1), this Directive shall apply to all products to which Article 1 (a) relates, including those covered by contracts awarded by contracting authorities in the field of defence, except for the products to which Article 223 (1) (b) of the EEC Treaty applies.
31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) Article 4.1
Article 4
    1. This Directive shall apply to public service contracts awarded by contracting authorities in the field of defence, except for contracts to which the provisions of Article 223 of the Treaty apply.
31988L0295 - Second amendment of Goods (1st generation) Article 4=G1-2a
Article 4
The following Article is inserted:
Article 2a Without prejudice to Articles 2, 3 and 5 (1), this Directive shall apply to all products within the meaning of Article 1 (a), including those covered by contracts awarded by contracting authorities in the field of defence, except for the products to which the provisions of Article 223 (1) (b) of the Treaty apply.

EU Cases

Case PteRefText
24-28G2-1024 In the present case, the Italian Republic maintains that the Ministerial Decree fulfils the conditions set out in Article 296 EC and Article 2(1)(b) of Directive 93/36 on the ground, inter alia, that the helicopters covered by that decree are dual-use items, that is to say, they may serve both military and civilian purposes.
    25 In that regard, it is important to point out that, under Article 296(1)(b) EC, any Member State may take such measures as it considers necessary for the protection of the essential interests of its security and which are connected with the production of or trade in arms, munitions and war materials, provided, however, that such measures do not alter the conditions of competition in the common market regarding products which are not intended for specifically military purposes (see Commission v Italy, paragraph 46).
    26 It is clear from the wording of that provision that the products in question must be intended for specifically military purposes. It follows that the purchase of equipment, the use of which for military purposes is hardly certain, must necessarily comply with the rules governing the award of public contracts (see Italy v Commission, paragraph 47).
    27 It is not disputed that the Ministerial Decree applies, as the Italian Republic admits, to helicopters which are clearly for civilian use whereas their military use is only potential.
    28 Consequently, Article 296(1)(b) EC, to which Article 3 of Directive 93/36 refers, cannot properly be invoked by the Italian Republic to justify national legislation authorising recourse to the negotiated procedure for the purchase of those helicopters.

DK Cases

Case PteRefText
Immuno Danmark
ECT-30 [ex-36]
2. Sygehusvæsnets indkøb af blodprodukter findes omfattet af EU's indkøbsdirektiv, direktiv 93/36. Undtagelsesbestemmelserne i direktivets artikel 2 og 3 ses ikke at finde anvendelse. EF-traktatens artikel 36 kan heller ikke finde anvendelse, da de nævnte undtagelsesbestemmelser i indkøbsdirektivet må antages at varetage hensynene bag traktatens artikel 36, der derfor ikke kan anvendes selvstændigt ved siden af dem. Hertil kommer, at de to lægemiddeldirektiver i forbindelse med direktiv 89/381 må anses for en harmonisering i et sådant omfang, at artikel 36, således som den fortolkes i EF-domstolens praksis, allerede som følge deraf ikke kan finde selvstændig anvendelse.
    K2. De indklagede Københavns, Frederiksborg, Roskilde, Vestsjællands, Storstrøms, Bornholms, Fyns, Sønderjyllands, Ribe, Vejle, Ringkjøbing, Århus, Viborg og Nordjyllands amter samt Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab skal anerkende, at de ved at undlade at foretage EU-udbud af deres indkøb af blodprodukter har handlet i strid med EU's indkøbsdirektiv, direktiv 93/36, i det omfang disse indkøbs værdi har svaret til direktivets tærskelværdi eller har overskredet denne.