| | 32004L0018: c3-15.aTreaty between a Member State and one or more third countries 
32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) | Article 15.a | Article 15 Contracts awarded pursuant to international rules This Directive shall not apply to public contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) pursuant to an international agreement concluded in conformity with the Treaty between a Member State and one or more third countries and covering supplies or works intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a work by the signatory States or services intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts referred to in Article 77; | 32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) | Article 22.a | Article 22 Contracts awarded pursuant to international rules This Directive shall not apply to contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) pursuant to an international agreement concluded in accordance with the Treaty between a Member State and one or more third countries and covering supplies, works, services or design contests intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts referred to in Article 68; | 31993L0037 - Works (2nd generation) | Article 5.a | Article 5 This Directive shall not apply to public contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) in pursuance of an international agreement, concluded in conformity with the Treaty, between a Member State and one or more non-member countries and covering works intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Decision 71/306/EEC(5); (5) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15; Decision as amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p.15). | 31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) | Article 4.a | Article 4 This Directive shall not apply to public supply contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) in pursuance of an international agreement concluded in conformity with the Treaty, between a Member State and one or more non-member countries and covering supplies intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Decision 71/306/EEC(9) ; (9) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. Decision amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15). | 31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) | Article 5.a | Article 5 This Directive shall not apply to public contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) in pursuance of an international agreement concluded between a Member State and one or more third countries and covering services intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; any agreement shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Council Decision 71/306/EEC(7); (7) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. Decision amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15). | 31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) | Article 12.1 | Article 12 This Directive shall not apply to contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: 1. pursuant to an international agreement concluded in conformity with the Treaty between a Member State and one or more third countries and covering supplies, works, services or design contests intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; every agreement shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Council Decision 71/306/EEC (13) or, in the case of agreements governing contracts awarded by entities exercising an activity defined in Article 2 (2) (d), the Advisory Committee on Telecommunications Procurement referred to in Article 39; (13) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. Decision as last amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15). | 31998L0004 - Amendment of Utilities (2nd generation) | Article 1.s1 | Article 1 Without prejudice to the international rights and commitments devolving on the Community as a result of the acceptance of the Agreement, which defines the arrangements to be applied to tenderers and products from third countries which are signatories to the Agreement, the current scope of which does not include contracts awarded by contracting entities referred to in Article 2(1)(b) of Directive 93/38/EEC, contracts awarded by contracting entities carrying out activities referred to in Annexes III, IV, V, VI and X of that Directive, service contracts listed in Annex XVI B thereto, development service contracts mentioned in Category 8 of Annex XVI A thereto, telecommunications service contracts mentioned in Category 5 of Annex XVI A thereto, whose Common Product Classification (CPC) numbers are 7524, 7525 and 7526, and financial service contracts mentioned in Category 6 of Annex XVI A thereto in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments, and central bank services, Directive 93/38/EEC is hereby amended as follows: | 31971L0305 - Works (1st generation) | Article 4.i1 | Article 4 This directive shall not apply to public contracts awarded by a member state: - in pursuance of an international agreement concluded with a third country which, in respect of the award of contracts, contains provisions which differ from those of this directive; | 31989L0440 - Fourth amendment of Works (1st generation) | Article 1.5=W-4.a | 5. Article 4 is replaced by the following: Article 4 This Directive shall not apply to public contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) in pursuance of an international agreement, concluded in conformity with the EEC Treaty, between a Member State and one or more non-member countries and covering works intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; all agreements shall be communicated to the Commission which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Decision 71/306/EEC (8), as amended by Decision 77/63/EEC (9); (8) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. (9) OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15.' | 31977L0062 - Goods (1st generation) | Article 3.a | Article 3 This directive shall not apply to public contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: (a) pursuant to an international agreement concluded between a member state and one or more non-member countries and covering supplies intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory states; every agreement shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the advisory committee for public contracts set up by decision 71/306/EEC (7), as amended by decision 77/63/EEC (8); (7) OJ no l 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. (8) see page 15 of this Official Journal. | 31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) | Article 11.1 | Article 11 This Directive shall not apply to contracts governed by different procedural rules and awarded: 1. pursuant to an international agreement concluded in conformity with the Treaty between a Member State and one or more third countries and covering supplies or works intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatory States; every agreement shall be communicated to the Commission, which may consult the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts set up by Council Decision 71/306/EEC(13), as last amended by Decision 77/63/EEC(14), or, in the case of agreements governing contracts awarded by entities exercising an activity defined in Article 2 (2) (d), the Advisory Committee on Telecommunications Procurement referred to in Article 31; (13) OJ No L 185, 16. 8. 1971, p. 15. (14) OJ No L 13, 15. 1. 1977, p. 15. |
Case | Pte | Ref | Text | C-328/92 Spain | 12-14 | G1-2.2 G1-3.a G1-3.b G1-3.c | It is sufficient to point out that, in paragraph 10 of its judgment in Case C-71/92 Commission v Spain [1993] ECR I-5923, the Court observed that the only permissible exceptions to the application of Directive 77/62 are those which are expressly and exhaustively mentioned in it. However, Article 2(2) and Article 3 of Directive 77/62, which list the public supply contracts to which that directive does not apply, do not refer to contracts relating to pharmaceutical products and specialities. Moreover, as the Court held in that same judgment (paragraph 11), none of the exceptions authorized by the directive is defined by reference to the type of product in question or the legal rules applicable to it. | C-71/92 Spain | 10-11 22 | G1-2.2 G1-3.a G1-3.b G1-3.c W1-3.4-5 W1-4.i1 W1-4.i2 W1-4.i3 | It is apparent from the ninth recital in the preamble to Directive 77/62 that: "... provision must be made for exceptional cases where measures concerning the coordination of procedures may not necessarily be applied, but such cases must be expressly limited". It follows that the only permitted exceptions to the application of Directive 77/62 are those which are exhaustively and expressly mentioned therein. Articles 2(2) and 3 of Directive 77/62, which list the public supply contracts to which it does not apply, do not include those relating to the products referred to in Article 2, point 3, of the LCE and Article 2, point 3, of the RGCE. Moreover, as the Commission has correctly emphasized, none of the exceptions authorized by the directive is defined by reference to the type of, or the legal arrangements relating to, the product concerned, in contrast to the contested provisions of the Spanish legislation.
In the first place, as the Court has stated in paragraph 10 of this judgment, the only permitted exceptions to the application of Directive 77/62 are those exhaustively and expressly mentioned therein. That applies equally to Directive 71/305, the seventh recital in the preamble to which is identical to the ninth recital, previously quoted, in the preamble to Directive 77/62. |
Case | Pte | Ref | Text | N-970303 Praktiserende Arkitekters Råd | 1 | S2-3.1+11.1-impl S2-5.a KNL1C1-1-3-impl | 1. Klagenævnet, der ikke har fundet grundlag for på grundlag af indklagedes argumentation at afvise sagen som følge af manglende kompetence, skal udtale, at den omhandlede arkitektopgave i det hele er omfattet af direktivet. Der er ikke af indklagede fremdraget sådanne særlige forhold, der isoleret set måtte føre til at udbud kunne udelades. Indklagede burde have foranlediget og fastholdt, at opgaven skulle tildeles efter sket, fornyet udbud. Imidlertid finder nævnet efter en samlet bedømmelse af indklagedes manglende, reelle muligheder, dels for selvstændige dispositioner, dels for inden for styringsgruppen at gennemføre selvstændige synspunkter, uden at en iøvrigt knap tidsplan kunne sprænges med betydelige økonomiske konsekvenser til følge, ikke tilstrækkeligt grundlag for at pålægge indklagede at foranstalte udbud afholdt. [Sagsfremstilling: Indklagede har i det hele imødegået klagerens argumentation og har til støtte for den principale påstand gjort gældende, at Klagenævnet ikke er kompetent til at bedømme sagen. Det fremgår af Klagenævnslovens § 3, at ordregivere er bl.a. statslige myndigheder. Ordregiveren er imidlertid ikke indklagede, men derimod de fem nordiske lande i fællesskab repræsenteret ved den omtalte Styringsgruppe. Klagenævnsloven må forstås således, at Klagenævnet alene har kompetence til at påkende klager over danske myndigheder. Der er ikke hjemmel til, og der kan ikke af Folketinget gives hjemmel til, at et dansk klageorgan kan påkende klager over internationalt sammensatte ordregivere, idet dette ville stride mod grundlæggende folkeretlige regler om staters immunitet i forhold til andre staters dømmende myndigheder. Der er heller ikke i Rådets direktiv 89/665/EØF om samordning af love og administrative bestemmelser vedrørende anvendelsen af klageproceduren i forbindelse med indgåelse af offentlige indkøbs– samt bygge– og anlægskontrakter nogen støtte for, at et klagenævn nedsat i den enkelte medlemsstat kan bedømme klager over ordregivende myndigheder, der også består af andre EU-lande og tredjelandes myndigheder. Særligt i forhold til Norge og Island bemærkes i øvrigt, at Europa-Kommissionen efter EØS-traktaten ikke har beføjelse til at iværksætte en retlig klageprocedure, og at EF-Domstolen ikke har kompetence til at afsige bindende fortolkningsafgørelser. Indklagede har endvidere gjort gældende, at tjenesteydelsesdirektivet og Klagenævnets kompetence i denne forbindelse kun vedrører handlinger, der finder sted på Danmarks territorium. Direktivet gælder ikke, og Klagenævnet er ikke kompetent vedrørende indkøb af ydelser, der skal leveres i udlandet. Tjenesteydelsesdirektivet finder i øvrigt ikke anvendelse på tjenesteydelsesaftaler, for hvilke der gælder andre procedureregler, og som indgås i henhold til en international aftale, der er indgået mellem en medlemsstat og et eller flere tredjelande om tjenesteydelser med henblik på fælles gennem-førelse af et projekt, jf. direktivets artikel 5, litra a. Kravet om, at der skal gælde andre procedureregler, er opfyldt i dette tilfælde, idet Statens Fastighetsverk på vegne styringsgruppen og efter anbefaling af byggestyreren Dress & Sommer har indgået kontrakt med Pysall & Ruge. Direktivets artikel 5, litra a, stiller ikke krav til indholdet af procedureregler.] |