Council of Europe
United Nations

United Nations

UN - United Nationshttp://www.un.org/
Web Site Locator for the United Nations System of Organisationshttp://www.unsystem.org/

Organisations and other bodies

CLCS - Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelfhttp://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/clcs_home.htm
Codification - Sixth Committee of the General Assemblyhttp://www.un.org/law/cod/sixth/59/sixth59.htm
COI - Committee on Informationhttp://www.un.org/ga/coi/
Commission on Human Rightshttp://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/2/chr.htm
DDA - Department of Disarmament Affairshttp://disarmament2.un.org/
ECOSOC - Economic and Social Councilhttp://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ecosoc/
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationshttp://www.fao.org/
ICJ - International Court of Justicehttp://www.icj-cij.org/
ILC - International Law Commission of the United Nationshttp://www.un.org/law/ilc/index.htm
OCHA - United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairshttp://ochaonline.un.org/
OLA - Office of Legal Affairs - Codification Divisionhttp://www.un.org/law/lindex.htm
OHR - Office of the High Representative and the EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovinahttp://www.ohr.int/
Security Councilhttp://www.un.org/Docs/sc/
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rightshttp://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/2/sc.htm
UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission in International Trade Lawhttp://www.uncitral.org/
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmenthttp://www.unctad.org/
UNDP - United Nations Development Programmehttp://www.undp.org/
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programmehttp://www.unep.org/
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organizationhttp://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=15006&URL_DO=
UNeTradeS.Net - United Nations Standards for Trade and electronic Business Nethttp://www.unece.org/etrades/welcome.htm
UNGA - United Nations General Assemblyhttp://www.un.org/ga/59/
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rightshttp://www.ohchr.org/english/
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeeshttp://www.unhcr.ch/
WHO - World Health Organizationhttp://www.who.int/en/
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organizationhttp://www.wipo.int/