Great Britain
United States
Other tactics

Other - Tactics - Second World War

Blandford, Edmund
* Fatal Decisions - Errors and Blunders in World War II
* Airlife, Shrewsbury 1999
Burne, Lt.Col Alfred H.
* Strategy in World War II - a Strategical Examination of the Land Operations
* The Military Service Publishing Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1947
Edwards, Roger
* Panzer - a Revolution in Warfare 1939-1945
* Arms and Armour Press, London 1995/1989
Ellis, John
* Brute Force - Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War
* Andre Deutsch, London 1990
Ellis, John
* The Sharp End - the Fighting Man in World War II
* Pimlico, London 1993
Icks, Colonel (Aus. Ret.) Robert J.
* Famous Tank Battles - from World War I to Vietnam
* Doubleday & Company Inc., Garden City, New York 1972
Norup, P.M.
* Hvis Krigen Kommer - Krigsteknik og Magtpolitik i Europa
* H. Hirschsprungs Forlag, København 1939
Wahlgren, Åke
* Kriget til lands - en orientering om stridssättens och stridsmedlens utvekling under andra världskriget 1939-1945
* Militärlitteratursföreningens Förlag, Stockholm 1946