Western 1939-1940
Western 1941-1945
Eastern 1939-1940
Eastern 1941-1945
Northern Front
Southern Front
African Front
Asian Front
Other campaigns

Other - Campaigns - Second World War

Alexander, Bevin
* How Hitler could have won World War II - the fatal errors that led to nazi defeat
* Crown Publishers, New York 2000
Baldwin, Hanson
* Battles lost and won - Great campaigns of World War 2
* Hodder and Stoghton, London 1967
Chant, Christopher (consultant editor)
* Warfare and the Third Reich - the Rise and Fall of Hitler's Armed Forces
* Salamander Books, London 1998
Churchill, Winston S.
* The Second World War
* Cassell & Co. Ltd., London 1948
Deighton, Len
* Blood, Tears and Folly - an obective look at World War II
* Pimlico, London 1995
Keegan, John
* The Battle for History - Re-Figting World War II
* Pimlico, London 1997
Liddel Hart, B.H.
* History of the Second World War
* Cassel, London 1970
Macksey, Kenneth
* Military Errors of World War Two
* Arms and Armours Press, London 1988/1987
McKee, Alexander
* The Race for the Rhine Bridges - 1940, 1944, 1945
* Souvenir Press, London 2001/1971
Messenger, Charles
* The Second World War in the West
* Cassell & Co., London 2001/1999
Morrison, Samuel Eliot
* Strategy and Compromise, a reappraisal of the crucial decisions confronting the allies in the hazardous years, 1940-45
* Atlantic - Little, Brown & Company, Boston 1958
Murray, William & Allan R. Millett
* A War to be Won - Fighting the Second World War
* The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England 2001/2000
Overy, Richard
* Why the Allies Won
* Pimlico, London 1995
Perrett, Bryan
* Knights of the Black Cross - Hitler's Panzerwaffe and its Leaders
* Wordsworth Editions, Ware, Hertfordshire 1997
Wilmot, Chester
* The Struggle for Europe
* Woodsworth Editions, London 1997
World War .....
* World War 2 - U.S. Army Center for Military History Set
* H-Bar Enterprises, Oakman, Alabama 1995
Østrøm Møller, J.
* Højdepunkter fra den Anden Verdenskrig
* Chr. Erichsens Forlag, na 1985