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Troops - American Civil War

Allardice, Bruce S.
* More Generals in Gray - a Companion Volume to Generals i Gray
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1995
Arnold, James R.
* The Armies of U.S. Grant
* Arms and Armour Press, London 1995
Fuller, Claude E. & Richard D. Steuart
* Firearms of the Confederacy - the Shoulder Arms, Pistols, and Revolvers of the Confederate Soldier, including the Regular United States Models, the Imported Arms and Those Manufactured within the Confederacy
* Standard Publications Inc., Huntington, West Virginia 1944
Glover, Edwin A.
* Bucktailed Wildcats - a Regiment of Civil War Volunteers
* Thomas Yoseloff, New York 1960
Haythornthwaite, Philip
* Uniforms of the American Civil War 1861-1865
* Blandford Press, Poole, New York, Sydney 1986/1975
Hughes jr, Nathaniel Cheairs
* The Pride of the Confederate Artillery - the Washington Artillery in the Army of Tennessee
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge 1997
Katcher, Philip
* The Army of Robert E. Lee
* Arms and Armour Press, London 1995/1994
Kaufmann, Wilhelm
* The Germans in the American Civi War
* John Kallmann Publishers, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1999
Lord, Francis A.
* Civil War Collector's Encyclopedia - Arms, Uniforms, and Equipment of the Union and Cofederacy
* The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvanian 1963
McPherson, James M.
* For Cause & Comrades - Why Men Fought in the Civil War
* Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford 1997
Ripley, Warren
* Artillery and Ammunition of the Civil War
* Promontory Press, New York 1970
Naisawald, L. VanLoan
* Grape and Cannister - the Story of the Field Artillery of the Army of the Potomac 1861-1865 - Second Edition
* Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 1999
Phisterer, Frederick
* Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States - by Frederick Phisterer, late Captain U.S. Army - Cmapigns of the Civil War, Supplementary Volume
* John Kallmann Publishers, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1996
Sibley Jr., F. Ray
* The Confederate Order of Battle - Volume 1: The Army of Northern Virginia
* White Mane Publishing Company Inc., Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 1996
Small Arms
* Reports of Experiments with Small Arms for the Military Service by Officers of the Ordnance Department, U.S. Army
* Dean S. Thomas, Arendtsville, Pennsylvania 1984
Starr, Stephen Z.
* The Union Cavalry in the Civil War - Volume III: The War in the West 1861-1865
* Louisiana University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1985
Starr, Stephen Z.
* The Union Cavalry in the Civil War - Volume II: The War in the East - from Gettysburg to Appotomax 1863-1865
* Louisiana University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1981
Starr, Stephen Z.
* The Union Cavalry in the Civil War
* Leicester University Press, na 1979
Weinert Jr, Richard P.
* The Confederate Regular Army
* White Mane Publishing Company Inc., Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 1991
Wert, Jeffry D.
* A Brotherhood of Valor - the Common Soldiers of the Stonewall Brigade, C.S.A., and the Iron Brigade, U.S.A.
* Simon & Schuster, New York 1999
Åberg, Alf
* Svenskarna under stjänbaneret - insatser under nordamerikanska inbördeskriget 1861-1865
* Natur och Kultur, Stockholm 1994