Belmont 1861
Bull Run 1861
Cartaghe 1861
Antietam 1862
Bull Run 1862
Peninsula 1862
Shenandoah 1862
Shiloh 1862
Chancellorsville 1863
Chattanooga 1863
Chickamauga 1863
Fredericksburg 1863
Gettysburg 1863
Georgia 1864
Spotsylvania 1864
Wilderness 1864
Other campaigns

Antietam 1862 - Campaigns - American Civil War

Frassanto, William A.
* Antietam - the Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest Day
* Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1978
Gallagher, Gary W. (editor)
* Antietam - Essays on the 1862 Maryland Campaign: Gary W. Gallagher, Dennis E. Frye, Robert K. Krick, A. Wilson Greene
* Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio 1989
Luvaas, Jay & Harold W. Nelson
* Guide to the Battle of Antietam - the Maryland Campaign of 1862
* University Press of Kansas, Kansas 1996
Priest, John Michael
* Before Antietam - the Battle for South Mountain
* Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford 1996/1992
Sears, Stephen W.
* Landscape Turned Red - the Battle of Antietam
* Popular Library - Warner Books Inc., New York 1985