Italy 1796-1797
Egypt 1798-1801
Gemany 1799
Italy 1800
Other Revolutionary
Austria 1805
Prussia 1806
Poland 1807
Denmark 1807-1809
Peninsula 1807-1814
Finland 1808-1809
Austria 1809
Russia 1812
US 1812-1814
Germany 1813
France 1814
Belgium 1815
Other campaigns

Italy 1796-1797 - Campaigns - Napoleonic Wars

Boycott-Brown, Martin
* The Road to Rivoli - Napoleon's First Campaign
* Cassell & Co., London 2001
Clausewitz, Carl von
* Le campagne d'Italie
* Pocket, Paris 1999
Fabry, G. (editor)
* The First Phase of Napoleon's 1796 Campaign in Italy - Memoirs on the 1796 Campaign in Italy - by G. Fabry, Captain in the 101st Infantry Regiment, Detached to the Historical Section of the Army General Staff - edited by George F. Nafziger
* The Nafziger Collection, West Chester, Ohio 2001
Ferrero, Gugliamo
* The Gamble - Bonaparte in Italy 1796-7
* G. Bell and Sons, London 1939
Kuhl, Major
* Bonapartes Erster Feldzug 1796, der Ausgangspunkt moderner Kriegführung
* Verlag von R. Eisenschmidt, Berlin 1902