| | Great Britain - Biographies - Napoleonic WarsArthur ..... * Arthur, Herzog von Wellington - sein Leben als Feldherr und Staatsmann - nach englischen Quellen, vorzüglich nach Elliot und Clarke bearbeitet und bis zum Sept. 1816 fortgesetzt * F.A. Brockhaus, Leipzig & Altenburg 1817 | Colville, John * The Portrait of a General - a Chronicle of the Napoleonic Wars * Michael Russel, Salisbury 1980 | Glover, Michael * A Very Slippery Fellow - the Life of Sir Robert Wilson 1777-1849 * Oxford Univerity Press, Oxford, London & New York 1977-1978 | Hall, John A. * The Biographical Dictionary of British Officers Killed and Wounded 1808-1814 - published as Volume VIII of A History of the Peninsular War by Charles Oman * Greenhill Books & Stackpole Books, London & Pennsylvania 1998 | Longford, Elizabeth * Wellington - the years of the sword * Panther Books, London 1971 | Maxwell, Sir Herbert * The Life of Wellington - the Restoration of the Martial Power of Great Britain * Sampson Low, Martson and Company, London 1900 | Montgomery, Longford, Biggs-Davison, Percival & Innes-Smith * Wellington - a summary of the career of the 1st Duke of Wellington and an account of Apsley House and its contents - written by: Field-Marshal Viscount Mongomery K.G., the Countess of Longford, John Biggs-Davison M.P., Victor Percival, Robert Innes-Smith * English Life Publications Ltd, Derby na | Petrie, Sir Charles * Wellington - a reassessmenst * James Barrie, London 1956 | Samuel, Ian * An Astonishing Fellow - the Life of General Sir Robert Wilson * The Kensal Press, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire. 1985 | Urban, Mark * The Man who Broke Napoleon's Codes - the Story of George Scovell * Faber and Faber, London 2001 | Woolgar, C.M. * Wellington Studies - I * Hartley Institute, University of Southampton, Southampton 1996 |