Hundred Years War
Union and Civil Wars
Wars of the Roses

Hundred Years War - Campaigns - 15th Century

Burne, Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred H.
* The Agincourt War - a Military History of the Latter Part of the Hundred Years War from 1337 to 1453
* Woodsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 1999
Burne, Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred H.
* The Crecy War - a Military History of the Hundred Years War from 1337 to the Peace of Bretigny, 1360
* Woodsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 1999
Curry, Anne
* The Battle of Agincourt - Sources and Interpretations
* The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk 2000
Curry, Anne (editor)
* Agincourt 1415
* Tempus Publishing Ltd., Stroud, Gloucestershire 2000
Thompson, Peter E. (editor)
* Contemporary Chronicles of the Hundred Years Wars, from the works of Jean le Bel, Jean Froissart and Enguerrand de Monstrelet
* The Folio Society, London 1966
Aagaard, O.H.
* Om Hovedaarsagerne til Frankrigs Fald og Gjenoprejsning under den 100-Aarige Fransk-Engelske Krig - samt et almindeligt Overblik paa den herhenhørende historiske Literaturs Værd og Betydning - et historisk Studie
* Gyldendalske Boghandels Sortiment (Lehman & Stage), Kjøbenhavn, 1878