
Tactics - Medieval

Ayton, Andrew & J.L. Price (editors)
* The Medieval Military Revolution - State, Society, and Military Change in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
* Barnes & Noble, New York 1998/1995
Beeler, John
* Warfare in Feudal Europe 730-1200
* Cornell University Press, Ithaca & London 1972/1971
Contamine, Philippe
* War in the Middle Ages
* Basil Blackwell, na 1986
Delbrück, Hans
* Medieval Warfare - History of the Art of War, vol. 3
* Bison Book - University of Nebraksa, Lincoln and London 1990
DeVries, Kelly
* Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century - Discipline, Tactics, and Technology
* The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 1998/1996
Jahn, F.H.
* Almindelig Udsigt over Nordens, især Danmarks Krigsvæsen i Middelalderen indtil Krudtets Anvendelse i de nordiske Krige - af F.H. Jahn, Capitain i det lauenborske Jægerkorps
* F.H. Jahn, Kjøbenhavn 1825
Keen, Maurice (editor)
* Medieval Warfare - a History
* Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999
Morillo, Stephen
* Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings 1066-1135
* The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 1997/1994
Newark, Timothy
* Medieval Warfare - an Illustrated Introduction
* Bloomsbury Books, London 1988
Nicolle, David
* Medieval Warfare Source Book - Christian Europe and its Neighbours
* Brockhampton Press, London 1998
Nicolle, David
* Medieval Warfare Source Book - Warfare in Western Christendom
* Brockhampton Press, London 1999
Oman, Sir Charles
* A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages - Vol. 1: 378-1278 ad, Vol. 2: 1278-1485 ad
* Greenhill Books & Stackpole Books, London & Pennsylvania 1998
Prestwich, Michael
* Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages - the English Experience
* Yale University Press, New Haven & London 1996
Verbruggen, J.F.
* The Art of Warfare in Western Europe during the Middle Ages - from the Eighth Century to 1340 - second edition, revised and enlarged
* The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 1998/1997