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Addington, Larry H.
* The Patterns of War since the Eighteenth Century - second edition
* Indiana University Press, Bloominton and Indianapolis 1994/1984
Bellona manual .....
* Bellona manual of military field works of the 18th and 19th centuries
* Bellona Publishers, Hempel Hempstead 1971
Bjøl, Erling
* Hvorfor krig
* Gyldendal, København 1998
Black, Jeremy
* European Warfare 1660-1815
* UCL Press Ltd., London 1994
Black, Jeremy
* War and the World - Military Power and the Fate of Continents, 1450-2000
* Tale University Press, New Haven & London 2000/1998
Black, Jeremy
* War - Past, Present & Future
* St. Martins's Press, New York 2000
Bodart & Kellogg
* Gaston Bodart: Losses of Life in Modern Wars - Austria-Hugary 1618-1913, France 1614-1913 & Vernon Lyman Kellogg: Military Selection and Race Deterioration - edited by Harald Westergaard
* Clarendon Press, Oxford 1916
Boudet, Jaques; Bernard Druène & Bengt Åhslund (redaktion)
* Arméernas Världshistoria - Del I: 1300 f.Kr.-1300 e.Kr. - Från Ramses II till Djingis Khan, Del II: 1300-1700 - Från Soliman till Vauban, Del III: 1700-1914 - Från Peter den store till Moltke, Del IV: 1914-1945 - Från Foch till Eisenhower
* Svensk Litteratur, na 1967
Bremer, Cannizzo, Kegley & Ray
* The Scientific Study of War - Stuart Bremer, Cindy Cannizzo (University of Michigan), Charles W. Kegley (University of South Carolina), James Ray (University of New Mexico)
* Learning Resources in International Studies, New York 1975
Brooks, Victor & Robert Hohwald
* How America Fought Its Wars - Military Strategy from the American Revolution to the Civil War
* Combined Publishing, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 1999
Browning, Peter
* The Changing NAture of WArfare - the Development of LAnd WArfare from 1792 to 1945
* Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002
Brunner, Moriz
* Streffleurs Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift - rediert von Moriz Brunner, k.k. Hauptmann im Genie-Stab
* Commissions verlag von R. v. Waldheim, Wien 1873
Chaliand, Gérard (ed.)
* The Art of War in World History
* University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angelos & London 1994
Chandler, David G.
* Atlas of Military Strategy - the Art, Theory and Practice of War 1618-1878
* Arms and Armour, London 1998/1980
Clausewitz, Carl von
* A short guide to Clausewitz on War, edited by Roger Ashley Leonard
* Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1967
Clausewitz, Carl von
* Om Krig - med kommentarer af Niels Berg, Anders Boserup, Michael H. Clemmensen, K.V. Nielsen, Mogens Rosenløv og Johannes Witt-Hansen
* Rhodos, København 1986
Cohrt, Poul T. (redaktør)
* Militærhistorisk Konference 1979 - en redegørelsen
* Hærstabens Militærhistoriske Arbejder, København 1980
Colson, Bruno (editor)
* L'Art de la Guerre de Machiavel à Clausewitz - dans les collections de la Bibliotèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin - Publication No. 9
* Biliotèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin, Namur 1999
Coutau-Bégaire, Hervé
* Traité de Staégie
* Economica - Institut de Stratégie Comaparèe, Paris 1999
Delbrück, Hans
* The Dawn of Modern Warfare - History of the Art of War, vol. 4
* Bison Book - University of Nebraksa, Lincoln and London 1990
Dixon, Norman
* On the Psychology of Military Incompetence
* Pimlico, London 1994
Duffy, Christopher
* Fire & Stone - the Science of Forterss Warfare 1660-1860
* David & Charles, Newton Abbot, London, Vancouver 1975
Dupuy, T.N.
* The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare
* Janes, London 1980
Dupuy, Col. T.N. - U.S. Army, Ret.
* Understanding War - History and Theory of Combat
* Paragon House Publishers, New York 1987
Earle, Edward Mead (editor)
* Makers of Modern Strategy - military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler
* Princeton University Press, Princeton 1952
Featherstone, Donald
* Armies and Warfare in the Pike-and-Shot Era
* Constable, London 1998
Fioravanzo, Giuseppe
* A History of Naval Tactical Thought
* Naval Instiute Press, Annapolis, Maryland 1979
Foch, Général F.
* De la Conduite de la Guerre - la Manoeuvre pour la Bataille
* Berger-Levrault Editeurs, Paris & Nancy 1915
Foch, Marshal
* The Principles of War
* Chapman & Hall Ltd., London 1920
Friedler, Siegfried
* Grundriss der Militär- und Kriegsgeschichte: Die Stehende Heere im Zeitalter des Absolismus 1640-1789, und Das Zeitalter der Französichen Revolution und Napoleons
* Schild Verlag, München 1972-1976
Förster, Gerhard & Nikolaus Paulus
* Abriss der Geschichte der Panzerwaffe
* Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin 1977
Griffith, Paddy
* Forward into Battle - Fighting Tactics from Waterloo to the Near Future
* The Crowood Press, Whiltshire 1990
Hamley, Sir Edward Bruce
* The Operations of War - Explained and Illustrated
* William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London 1909
Handel, Michael I. (editor)
* Clausewitz and Modern Startegy
* Frank Cass, London 1986
Holmes, Richard
* Firing Line
* Pimlico, London 1994
Holmes, Richard & John Pimlott (editors)
* The Hutchinson Atlas of Battle Plans - Before and After
* Helicon Publishing Ltd., Oxford 1998
Howard, Michael
* The Theory and Practice of War, essays presented to Captain B.H. Liddel Hart
* Cassel, London 1965
Hughes, B.P.
* La Puissance de Feu - l'efficacité des armes à feu sur les champs de bataille 1630-1850
* Edita Vila, Lausanne 1976
Hughes, B.P.
* Open Fire - artillery tactics from Marlborough to Wellington
* Anthony Bird Publications, London 1983
Hughes, Major-General B.P.
* Firepower - Weapons effectiveness on the Battlefield 1630-1850
* Sarpedon, New York 1997
Jablonsky, David (editor)
* Roots of Strategy, Book 4 - 4 Military Classics - Captain A.T. Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783 (1890), Juian S. Corbett: Some Principles of Maritime Strategy (1911), Guilio Douhet: The Command of the Air (1921 and 1927), William Mitchell: Winged Defense - The Development and Possibilities of Modern Air Power - Economic and Miliytary (1925)
* Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 1999
Johansson, Alf W.
* Europas Krig - Militärt tänkande, strategi och politik fån Napoleonstiden til andre välrdskrigets slut
* Tidens Förlag, Stockholm 1988
Keegan, John
* A History of Warfare
* Hutchinson, London 1993
Keegan, John
* The Face of Battle - a study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme
* Vintage Books, New York 1977
Keegan, John
* The Mask of Command
* Penguin Books, New York 1988/1987
Kohn, George Childs
* Dictionary of Wars - Revised Edition
* Checkmark Books, New York 1999
Krigshistorisk .....
* Krigshistorisk Tidsskrift - 1. til 15. Årgang [kun nr. 2 fra 8. Årgang, tillæg 1970, samt indholdsfortegnelse 1965-1974 i manuskript og i tryk]
* Det Miitærhistoriske Læseselskab Rendsborg, na 1965-1979
Liddel Hart, B.H.
* The Strategy of Indirect Approach
* Faber and Faber Limited, London na
Liddel Hart, B.H. & Adrian Liddel Hart (editors)
* The Sword and the Pen - Selections from the Worlds Greatest Military Writings
* Cassel & Company Limited, London 1976
Ligne, Prince de
* Fantasies Militaires - édition du centenaire par le lieutenant-général baron de Heusch
* Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, Edouard Chmapion, Paris 1914
Luvaas, Jay
* The Education of an Army - British Military Thought 1815-1940
* Cassel & Company Ltd., London 1965
Malachowski, D. von
* Scharfe Taktik und Revuetaktik im 18. und 18. Jahrhundert - Zehn geschichtlich-taktische Abhandlungen
* Verlag Heere der Vergangenheit, J. Olmes, Krefeld na
Manucy, Albert
* Artillery Through the Ages - a Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
* National Park Service, Washington 1985/1949
Nières, Claude
* Faire la guerre - la guerre dans le monde de la préhistoire à nos jours
* Editions Privat, Toulouse 2001
Nieuwenhuis, P.N.
* Krigsproblemet - belyst ved den danske Hærs Ledelse i de sidste Aarhundreder
* Christian F. Rømer's Forlag, København 1913
Paret, Peter (editor)
* Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age
* Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998
Parker, Geoffrey
* The Military Revolution - military innovation and the rise of the West 1500-1800 - second edition
* Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996
Philips, Brig. Gen. Thomas R.
* Roots of Strategy - the 5 Greatest Military Classics of All Time - Sun Tzu: The Art of WAr, Vegetius: The Military Institutions of the Romans, Marshal MAurice de Saxe: My Reveries upon the Art of War, Frederick the Great: The Instruction of frederick the Great for his Generals, Napoleon: The Military Maxims of Napoleon
* Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1985
Picq, Charles Ardant du
* Etudes sur le combat, combat antique et combat moderne
* Editions Champ Libre, Paris 1978
Preston, Richard A., Sydney F. Wise & Herman O. Werner
* Men in Arms - A History of Warfare and its Interrelationships with Western Society - Revised Edition
* Frederick A. Praeger, New York & Washington 1968/1962
Rauchensteiner, Manfred & Erwin A. Scmidl (Hrsg.)
* Formen des Krieges - vom Mittelalter zum 'Low-Intensity-Conflict' - mit Beiträgen von Joh. Christoph Allmayer-Beck, Leopold Auer, Gustav Däniker, Christopher J. Duffy, KLaus Koch, Johannes KUnisch, Heinz Magenheimer, Manfried Rauchensteiner und Erwin A. Schmidl - Forschungen zur Lilitärgeschichte, 1 - einPublikation des Militärhistorischen Dienstes des Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
* Styria Verlag, Graz, Wien, Köln 1991
Revue d'Etudes .....
* Revue d'Etudes Militaires - 12e Année No. 1, No. 6, 13. Année No. 6, No. 10, No. 16,
* na, Paris 1924-1925
Rolf, Bertil
* Militär kompetens - traditioners förnyelse 1500-1940
* Bokförlaget Nya Doxa, Nora 1998
Ross, Steven T.
* From Flintlock to Rifle - Infantry Tactics 1740-1866
* Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London 1996
Rothfels, Hans
* Carl von Clausewitz - Politik und Krieg - eine ideengeschichtliche Studie - reprint der ersten Auflage, mit einem Nachwort von Joachim Niemeyer
* Ferd. Dümmlers Verlag, Bonn 1980
Schwarz, Herbert
* Gefechtsformen der Infanterie in Europa durch 800 Jahre
* Herbert Schwarz, München 1977
Schwarz, Herbert
* Gefechtsformen der Infanterie in Europa durch 800 Jahre
* Herbert Schwarz, München 1977
Skydetheori .....
* Skydetheori for Eleverne i det almindelige Kursus paa Skydeskolen
* na, na na
Strachan, Hew
* European Armies and the Conduct of War
* Unwin - Hayman, London 1988 (1983)
Sun Tzu & Tao Hanzang
* The Art of War - The Modern Chinese Interpretation
* Wordsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 1993
Terraine, Ohn
* The Smoke and the Fire - Myths and Anti-Myths of War 1861-1945
* Sidgwick & Jackson, London 1980
Tuker, Sir Francis
* The Pattern of War
* Cassell and Company Ltd., London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney 1948
Wallach, Colonel Dr. Jehuda L.
* Kriegstheorien - ihre Entwicklung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
* Bernard & Graefe Verlag für Wehrwesen, Frankfurt am Main 1972
Wawro, Geoffrey
* Warfare and Society in Europe 1792-1914
* Routledge, London 2000
Weigley, Russell F.
* The American Way of War - a History of United States Military Strategy and Policy
* Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1977
Weller, Jac
* Weapons and Tactics - Hastings to Berlin
* Nicholas Vane, London 1966
Willoghby, Charles Andrew
* Maneuver in War
* The Military Service Publishing Co., Harrisburg Pa. 1939
Winter, Galloway, Reynolds & Rhyne
* Battling the Elements - Wheather and Terrain in the Conduct of War - Harold A. Winters with Gerald E. Galloway Jr., William J. Reynolds and David W. Rhyne.
* The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1998
Wood, W.J.
* Leaders & Battles - the Art of Military Leadership
* Presidio Press, Novato, California 1995/1984