Description | Publication | Rom | Eng |
Emergency Ordinance 60/2001 regarding public procurement - approved by Law 212/2002 and modified by Ordinance 75/2004, approved by Law 492/2004 - Consolidated Text | na | No | Yes |
Decision 411/2005 for amending the Government Decision no. 461/2001 for the approval of the norms for the implementation of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 60/2001 regarding public procurement and the Government Decision no. 841/1995 regarding delivery without charge and valorization of the public institutions assets procedures | na | No | Yes |
Decision 1587/2003 sprivind aplicarea procedurii de conciliere pentru soluţionarea divergenţelor referitoare la atribuirea contractelor de achiziţie publică | na | No | No |
Decision 461/2001 privind aprobarea normelor de aplicare a Ordonanţei de urgenţă nr.60/2001 privind achiziţiile publice | na | No | No |
Order 1012 of 25 June 2001of the minister of public finances regarding the approval of the framework, content and manner of utilization of the standard documentation for the elaboration and presentation of the tender for public procurement of products | na | No | Yes |
Order 1013/873 of 27 June 2001 of the minister of public finances and of the minister of public works, transport and dwellings regarding the approval of the framework, content and manner of utilization of the standard documentation for the elaboration and presentation of the tender for public procurement of products | na | No | Yes |
Order 1014/874 of 4 July 2004 of the minister of public finances and of the minister of public works, transport and dwellings regarding the approval of the framework, content and manner of utilization of the standard documentation for the elaboration and presentation of the tender for public procurement of products | na | No | Yes |