| | 32004L0017: u3-VContracting entities in the field of urban railway, tramway, trolleybus or bus services 
32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) | Annex V | ANNEX V CONTRACTING ENTITIES IN THE FIELD OF URBAN RAILWAY, TRAMWAY, TROLLEYBUS OR BUS SERVICES Belgium - Société des Transports intercommunaux de BruxellesMaatschappij voor intercommunaal Vervoer van Brussel - Société régionale wallonne du Transport et ses sociétés d'exploitation (TEC Ličge-Verviers, TEC Namur-Luxembourg, TEC Brabant wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut)/ Société régionale wallonne du Transport en haar exploitatiemaatschappijen (TEC Ličge-Verviers, TEC Namur-Luxembourg, TEC Brabant wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut) - Vlaamse Vervoermaatschappij (De Lijn) - Private companies benefiting from special or exclusive rights. Denmark - Danske Statsbaner - Entities providing bus services to the public (ordinary regular services) on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to lovbekendtgřrelse nr. 738 om buskřrsel of 22 December 1999. - Orestadsselskabet I/S. Germany - Undertakings providing, on the basis of an authorisation, short-distance transport services to the public pursuant to the Personenbeförderungsgesetz of 21 March 1961, as last amended on 21 August 2002. Greece - " - .." ("......."), established and operating pursuant to Legislative Decree No 768/1970 ('273), Law No 588/1977 ('148) and Law No 2669/1998 ('283). - " - " ("......"), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 352/1976 (' 147) and 2669/1998 ('283). - " .." ("....."), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 2175/1993 ('211) and 2669/1998 ('283). - " .." ("......"), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 2175/1993 ('211) and 2669/1998 ('283). - " ..", established and operating pursuant to Law No 1955/1991. - " " ("...."), established and operating pursuant to Decree No 3721/1957, Legislative Decree No 716/1970 and Laws Nos 66/79 and 2898/2001 ('71). - " " ("...."), operating pursuant to Law No 2963/2001 ('268). - " ", otherwise known as "" and " " respectively, operating pursuant to Law No 2963/2001 ('268). Spain - Entidades que prestan servicios publicos de transporte urbano con arreglo a la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases de Régimen Local; Real Decreto legislativo 781/1986, de 18 de abril, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de las disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de régimen local y correspondiente legislacion autonomica en su caso. - Entidades que prestan servicios publicos de autobuses con arreglo a la disposicion transitoria tercera de la Ley 16/1987, de 30 de julio, de Ordenacion de los Transportes Terrestres. France - Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to Article 7-II of loi d'orientation des transports intérieurs n 82-1153 of 30 December 1982. - Régie autonome des transports parisiens, Société nationale des chemins de fer français and other entities providing transport services on the basis of an authorisation granted by the Syndicat des transports d'Ile-de-France, pursuant to Order No 59-151 of 7 January 1959 as amended and the Decrees implementing it with regard to the organisation of passenger transport in the Ile-de-France region. - Réseau ferré de France, State-owned company set up by Law No 97-135 of 13 February 1997. Ireland - Iarnrod Eireann [/Irish Rail] - Railway Procurement Agency - Luas [/Dublin Light Rail] - Bus Eireann [/Irish Bus] - Bus Atha Cliath [/Dublin Bus] - Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to the amended Road Transport Act 1932. Italy - Entities, companies and undertakings providing public transport services by rail, automated system, tramway, trolleybus or bus or managing the relevant infrastructures at national, regional or local level. They include, for example: - Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services on the basis of a concession pursuant to Law No 1822 of 28 September 1939 - Disciplina degli autoservizi di linea (autolinee per viaggiatori, bagagli e pacchi agricoli in regime di concessione all'industria privata) - Article 1, as amended by Article 45 of the Presidential Decree No 771 of 28 June 1955. - Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services to the public pursuant to Article 1(4) or (15) of Royal Decree No 2578 of 15 October 1925 - Approvazione del testo unico della legge sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province. - Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services to the public pursuant to Legislative Decree No 422 of 19 November 1997 - Conferimento alle regioni ed agli enti locali di funzioni e compiti in materia di trasporto pubblico locale, under the terms of Article 4(4) of Law No 59 of 15 March 1997 - as amended by Legislative Decree No 400 of 20 September 1999, and by Article 45 of Law No 166 of 1 August 2002. - Entities, companies and undertakings providing public transport services pursuant to Article 113 of the consolidated text of the laws on the structure of local authorities, approved by Law No 267 of 18 August 2000 as amended by Article 35 of Law No 448 of 28 December 2001. - Entities, companies and undertakings operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 242 or 256 of Royal Decree No 1447 of 9 May 1912 approving the consolidated text of the laws on le ferrovie concesse all'industria privata, le tramvie a trazione meccanica e gli automobili. - Entities, companies and undertakings and local authorities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 4 of Law No 410 of 4 June 1949 - Concorso dello Stato per la riattivazione dei pubblici servizi di trasporto in concessione. - Entities, companies and undertakings operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 14 of Law No 1221 of 2 August 1952 - Provvedimenti per l'esercizio ed il potenziamento di ferrovie e di altre linee di trasporto in regime di concessione. Luxembourg - Chemins de fer du Luxembourg (CFL). - Service communal des autobus municipaux de la Ville de Luxembourg. - Transports intercommunaux du canton d'Esch-sur-Alzette (TICE). - Bus service undertakings operating pursuant to the rčglement grand-ducal concernant les conditions d'octroi des autorisations d'établissement et d'exploitation des services de transports routiers réguliers de personnes rémunérées of 3 February 1978. Netherlands - Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to chapter II (Openbaar Vervoer) of the Wet Personenvervoer. Austria - Entities authorised to provide transport services pursuant to the Eisenbahngesetz, BGBl. No 60/1957, as amended, or the Kraftfahrliniengesetz, BGBl. I No 203/1999, as amended. Portugal - Metropolitano de Lisboa, E.P., pursuant to Decree-Law No 439/78 of 30 December 1978. - Local authorities, local authority services and local authority undertakings under Law No 58/98 of 18 August 1998, which provide transport services pursuant to Law No 159/99 of 14 September 1999. - Public authorities and public undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990. - Private undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990, where they hold special or exclusive rights. - Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Article 98 of the Regulamento de Transportes em Automoveis (Decree No 37272 of 31 December 1948). - Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Law No 688/73 of 21 December 1973. - Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Decree-Law No 38144 of 31 December 1950. Finland - Entities providing regular coach transport services under a special or exclusive licence pursuant to the laki luvanvaraisesta henkilöliikenteestä tiellälagen om tillstĺndspliktig persontrafik pĺ väg (343/1991) and municipal transport authorities and public enterprises providing public transport services by bus, rail or underground railway, or maintaining a network for the purpose of providing such transport services. Sweden - Entities operating urban railway or tramway services pursuant to lagen (1997:734) om ansvar för viss kollektiv persontrafik and lagen (1990:1157) om järnvägssäkerhet. - Public or private entities operating a trolley bus or bus service pursuant with lagen (1997:734) om ansvar för viss kollektiv persontrafik and yrkestrafiklagen (1998:490). United Kingdom - London Regional Transport - London Underground Limited - Transport for London - A subsidiary of Transport for London within the meaning of section 424(1) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 - Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive - Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive - Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive - Brighton Borough Council - South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - South Yorkshire Supertram Limited - Blackpool Transport Services Limited - Conwy County Borough Council - A person who provides a London local service as defined in section 179(1) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (a bus service) in pursuance of an agreement entered into by Transport for London under section 156(2) of that Act or in pursuance of a transport subsidiary's agreement as defined in section 169 of that Act - Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company - A person who holds a road service licence under section 4(1) of the Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 which authorises him to provide a regular service within the meaning of that licence | 31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) | Annex VII | ANNEX VII CONTRACTING ENTITIES IN THE FIELD OF URBAN RAILWAY, TRAMWAY, TROLLEYBUS OR BUS SERVICES BELGIUM Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux (SNCV)/Nationale Maatschappij van Buurtspoorwegen (NMB) Entities providing transport services to the public on the basis of a contract granted by SNCV pursuant to Articles 16 and 21 of the arręté du 30 décembre 1946 relatif aux transports rémunérés de voyageurs par route effectués par autobus et par autocars. Société des transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB), Maatschappij van het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Antwerpen (MIVA), Maatschappij van het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Gent (MIVG), Société des transports intercommunaux de Charleroi (STIC), Société des transports intercommunaux de la région liégeoise (STIL), Société des transports intercommunaux de l'agglomération verviétoise (STIAV), and other entities set up pursuant to the loi relative ŕ la création de sociétés de transports en commun urbains/Wet betreffende de oprichting van maatschappijen voor stedelijk gemeenschappelijk vervoer of 22 February 1962. Entities providing transport services to the public on the basis of a contract with STIB pursuant to Article 10 or with other transport entities pursuant to Article 11 of the arręté royal 140 du 30 décembre 1982 relatif aux mesures d'assainissement applicables ŕ certains organismes d'intéręt public dépendant du ministčre des communications. DENMARK Danske Statsbaner (DSB) Entities providing bus services to the public (almindelig rutekoersel) on the basis of an authorization pursuant to lov nr. 115 af 29. marts 1978 om buskoersel. GERMANY Entities providing, on the basis of an authorization, short-distance transport services to the public (OEffentlichen Personennahverkehr) pursuant to the Personenbefoerderungsgesetz vom 21. Maerz 1961, as last amended on 25 July 1989. GREECE Ilektrokinita Leoforeia Periochis Athinon-Peiraios, (Electric buses of the Athens - Piraeus area) operating pursuant to decree 768/1970 and law 588/1977). Ilektrikoi Sidirodromoi Athinon-Peiraios. (Athen-Piraeus electric railways) operating pursuant to laws 352/1976 and 588/1977. Epicheirisi Astikon Sygkoinonion. (Enterprise of urban transport) operating pursuant to law 588/1977. Koino Tameio Eisprazeos Leoforeion. (Joint receipts fund of buses) operating pursuant to decree 102/1973. RODA (Dimotiki Epicheirisi Leoforeion. Rodoy) Roda: Municipal bus enterprise in Rhodes. Organismos Astikon Sygkoinonion Thessalonikis. (Urban transport organization of Thessaloniki) operating pursuant to decree 3721/1957 and law 716/1980. SPAIN Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to the Ley de Régimen local. Corporacion metropolitana de Madrid. Corporacion metropolitana de Barcelona. Entities providing urban or inter-urban bus services to the public pursuant to Articles 113 to 118 of the Ley de Ordenacion de Transportes Terrestres de 31 de julio de 1987. Entities providing bus services to the public, pursuant to Article 71 of the Ley de Ordinacion de Transportes Terrestres de 31 de julio de 1987. FEVE, RENFE (or Empresa Nacional de Transportes de Viajeros por Carretera) providing bus services to the public pursuant to the Disposiciones adicionales. Primera, de la Ley de Ordenacion de Transportes Terrestres de 31 de julio de 1957. Entities providing bus services to the public pursuant to Disposiciones Transitorias, Tercera, de la Ley de Ordenacion de Transportes Terrestres de 31 de julio de 1957. FRANCE Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to article 7-11 of the loi no 82-1153 du 30 décembre 1982, transports intérieurs, orientation). Régie autonome des transports parisiens, Société nationale des chemins de fer français, APTR, and other entities providing transport services to the public on the basis of an authorization granted by the syndicat des transports parisiens pursuant to the ordonnance de 1959 et ses décrets d'application relatifs ŕ l'organisation des transports de voyageurs dans la région parisienne. IRELAND Iarnrod Eireann (Irish Rail). Bus Eireann (Irish Bus). Bus Atha Cliath (Dublin Bus). Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to the amended Road Transport Act 1932. ITALY Entities providing transport services of a concession pursuant to Legge 28 settembre 1939, n. 1822 - Disciplina degli autoservizi di linea (autolinee per viaggiatori, bagagli e pacchi agricoli in regime di concessione all'industria privata) - Article 1 as modified by Article 45 of Decreto del Preisidente della Repubblica 28 giugno 1955, n. 771. Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to Article 1 (15) of Regio Decreto 15 ottobre 1925, n. 2578 - Approvazione del Testo unico della legge sull'assunzione diretta del pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province. Entities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 242 or 255 of Regio Decreto 9 maggio 1912, n. 1447, che approva il Testo unico delle disposizioni di legge per le ferrovie concesse all'industria privata, le tramvie a trazione meccanica e gli automobili. Entities or local authorities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 4 of Legge 14 giugno 1949, n. 410, concorso dello Stato per la riattivazione dei pubblici servizi di trasporto in concessione. Entities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 14 of Legge 2 agosto 1952, n. 1221 - Provvedimenti per l'esercizio ed il potenziamento di ferrovie e di altre linee di trasporto in regime di concessione. LUXEMBOURG Chemins de fer du Luxembourg (CFL). Service communal des autobus municipaux de la ville de Luxembourg. Transports intercommunaux du canton d'Esch-sur-Alzette (TICE). Bus service undertakings operating pursuant to the rčglement grand-ducal du 3 février 1978 concernant les conditions d'octroi des autorisations d'établissement et d'exploitation des services de transports routiers réguliers de personnes rémunérées. NETHERLANDS Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to Chapter II (Openbaar vervoer) of the Wet Personenvervoer van 12 maart 1987. PORTUGAL Rodoviaria Nacional, EP. Companhia Carris de ferro de Lisboa. Metropolitano de Lisboa, EP. Serviços de Transportes Colectivos do Porto. Serviços Municipalizados de Transporte do Barreiro. Serviços Municipalizados de Transporte de Aveiro. Serviços Municipalizados de Transporte de Braga. Serviços Municipalizados de Transporte de Coimbra. Serviços Municipalizados de Transporte de Portalegre. UNITED KINGDOM Entities providing bus services to the public pursuant to the London Regional Transport Act 1984. Glasgow Underground. Greater Manchester Rapid Transit Company. Docklands Light Railway. London Underground Ltd. British Railways Board. Tyne and Wear Metro. | 11994NN01/11/E - First joint amendment of Classic and Utilities (2nd generation) | Article 3.g=U2-VII | (g) the following is added to Annex VII 'CONTRACTING ENTITIES IN THE FIELD OF URBAN RAILWAY, TRAMWAY, TROLLEY BUS OR BUS SERVICES`: 'AUSTRIA Entities providing transport services pursuant to the Eisenbahngesetz 1957 (BGBl. Nr. 60/1957) and the Kraftfahrliniengesetz 1952 (BGBl. Nr. 84/1952). FINLAND Public or private entities operating bus services according to "Laki (343/91) luvanvaraisesta henkiloeliikenteestae tiellae" and Helsingin kaupungin liikennelaitos/Helsingfors stads trafikverk (Helsinki Transport Board), which provides metro and tramway services to the public. NORWAY Norges Statsbaner (NSB) and entities operating pursuant to jernbaneloven av 11. juni 1993 nr. 100. SWEDEN Entities operating urban railway or tramway services according to lagen (1978:438) om huvudmannaskap foer viss kollektiv persontrafik and lagen (1990:1157) om jaernvaegssaekerhet. Public or private entities operating a trolley bus or bus service in accordance with the lagen (1978:438) om huvudmannaskap foer viss kollektiv persontrafik and lagen (1983:293) om yrkestrafik.`; | 12003TN02/01/I - Third joint amendment of Classic and Utilities (2nd generation) | Article 5.g=U2-VII | (g) the following is added to Annex VII 'CONTRACTING ENTITIES IN THE FIELD OF URBAN RAILWAY, TRAMWAY, TROLLEYBUS OR BUS SERVICES': 'CZECH REPUBLIC Any operator of public transport systems and providers of services to the public in rail, tramway, trolleybus or bus transport (section 2 b) of Act No. 199/1994 Sb. on Public Procurement). ESTONIA Entities operating pursuant to Article 5 of the Public Procurement Act (RT I 2001, 40, 224) and Article 14 of the Competition Act (RT I 2001, 56 332). LATVIA Public entities which provide passenger transportation services in the following cities by bus, trolleybus, tram: Riga, Jurmala, Liepaja, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Rezekne, Ventspils. LITHUANIA Entities providing urban trolleybus, bus or cable services to the public i accordance with the Lietuvos Respublikos keliu transporto kodeksas (Zin., 1996, Nr. 119-2772) and being in compliance with the provisions of Lietuvos Respublikos viesuju pirkimu istatymas (Zin., 2002, Nr. 118-5296). HUNGARY Entities providing road transport services to the public on the basis of Act I of 1988 on road transport (1988. évi I. törvény a közúti közlekedésrol) and on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to Decree No 89/1988. (XII. 20.) MT of the Council of Ministers on road transport services and on operation of road vehicles (89/1988. (XII. 20.) MT rendelet a közúti közlekedési szolgáltatásokról és a közúti jármuvek üzemben tartásáról). Entities providing railway transport services to the public on the basis of Act XCV of 1993 on railways (1993. évi XCV. törvény a vasútról) and on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to Decree No 15/2002. (II. 27.) KöViM of the Minister of Transport and Water Management on licensing of railway undertakings (15/2002. (II. 27.) KöViM rendelet a vasútvállallatok muködésének engedélyezésérol). MALTA L-Awtorita` dwar it-Trasport ta' Malta (Malta Transport Authority). POLAND Podmioty swiadczace uslugi w zakresie miejskiego transportu kolejowego, dzialajace na podstawie koncesji wydanej zgodnie z ustawa z dnia 27 czerwca 1997 r. o transporcie kolejowym (Dz.U. Nr 96, poz.591 ze zm.).(Entities providing services in the field of urban railway transport, acting on the basis of the Act of 27 June 1997 on railway transport (Dz. U. Nr 96, poz. 591 as amended). Podmioty swiadczace uslugi dla ludnosci w zakresie miejskiego transportu autobusowego dzialajace na podstawie zezwolenia zgodnie z ustawa z dnia 6 wrzesnia 2001 r. o transporcie drogowym (Dz.U.Nr 125, poz. 1371 ze zm.) oraz podmioty swiadczace uslugi dla ludnosci w zakresie miejskiego transportu (Entities providing services for the public in the field of urban bus transport, acting on the basis of the licence issued under the Act of 6 September 2001 on road transport (Dz. U. Nr 125, poz. 1371 as amended) and entities providing service for the public in the field of urban transport. SLOVENIA Podjetja, ki opravljajo javni mestni avtobusni prevoz, skladno z Zakonom o prevozih v cestnem prometu (Uradni list RS, 72/94, 54/96, 48/98 in 65/99). SLOVAKIA The procuring entity is defined in Article 3 §2 and §3 of Act No. 263/1999 Z. z. on Public Procurement, as amended, as a legal entity which deals in road transport, by operating scheduled public bus transport, and transport on the railways (Act No. 164/1996 Z. z. as amended, Act No. 168/1996 Z. z. as amended - e.g. Zeleznice Slovenskej republiky /ZSR/ Zeleznicná spolocnost a.s. Dopravný podnik Bratislava, a.s. Dopravný podnik mesta Ziliny, a.s. Dopravný podnik mesta Presov, a.s. Dopravný podnik mesta Kosíc, a.s. Banskobystrická dopravná spolocnost, a.s.).' |