A (Quartet)
B (Quartet)
C (Quartet)
D (Quartet)
E (Quartet)
F (Quartet)
G (Quartet)
H (Quartet)
I (Quartet)
J (Quartet)
K (Quartet)
L (Quartet)
M (Quartet)
N (Quartet)
O (Quartet)
P (Quartet)
Q (Quartet)
R (Quartet)
S (Quartet)
T (Quartet)
U (Quartet)
V (Quartet)
W (Quartet)
X (Quartet)
Y (Quartet)
Z (Quartet)
Æ (Quartet)
Ø (Quartet)
Å (Quartet)

String Quartets - Composers with J

Jachino, Carlo
* Full name:
* Born: 1887 - 1971
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1925
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1927
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1930
* Notes:

Jacob, Gordon
* Full name: Jacob, Gordon Percival Septimus
* Born: 1895 - 1984
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1928
* Notes:

Jacob, Maxime
* Full name: Jacob, Maxime Clement
* Born: 1906 - 1977
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1964
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1965
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: 1967
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: 1968-69
* Notes:

Jacobi, Frederick
* Full name:
* Born: 1891 - 1952
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "On Indian Themes"
* Registration:
* Date: 1924
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Nocturne"
* Registration:
* Date:
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1933
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1945
* Notes:

Jacoby, Hanoch
* Full name:
* Born: 1909
* Nationality: Israel
* Notes: Født i Königsberg.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1937
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1938
* Notes:

Jadin, Hyacinthe
* Full name:
* Born: 1769 - 1802
* Nationality: France
* Notes: Ialt 12 str.kv. i 4 sæt (op.1-4).
String Quartet opus 1 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 1 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 1 no. 3 f-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1795
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 1 Es-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 3 no. 1 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 3 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 3 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 4 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 4 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 4 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1800 ca.
* Notes:

Jadin, Louis Emmanuel
* Full name:
* Born: 1768 - 1853
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet "Minuet"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 10
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 11
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 12
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 f-minor
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 f-minor
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 9
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

James, Philip
* Full name:
* Born: 1890 - 1975
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1924 rev. 1939
* Notes:

Janson, Alfred
* Full name:
* Born: 1937
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1976-78
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1978
* Notes:

Janssen, Guus
* Full name:
* Born: 1951
* Nationality: Netherlands
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 "Streepjes"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Janssen, Werner
* Full name:
* Born: 1899
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Fantasy"
* Registration:
* Date: 1934
* Notes:
String Quartet "Kaleidoscope"
* Registration:
* Date: 1930
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1934
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:

Jansson, Gunnar
* Full name:
* Born: 1944
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes:

Jansson, Johannes
* Full name:
* Born: 1950
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1900 ?
* Notes:

Janácek, Leos
* Full name:
* Born: 1854 - 1928
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes: Skrev også en str.kvintet i 1878 og en str.kvartet "Menuet og Scherzo" 1881, - men begge er gået tabt. Det samme gælder den klavertrio fra 1808-09, som kom til at danne basis for Janaceks str.kvartet no. 1 (Kreutzer-kv.)..
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1880
* Notes: Er gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1923
* Notes: Janácek skrev sin første String Quartet i en alder af 69 år og var stærkt inspireret af sin læsning af Tolstoys "Kreutzer Sonaten". Han betegnede handlingen, hvor en ægtemand dræber sin kone på grund af hendes utroskab, som meget oprivende og tog med sin "musikalske protest" stor afstand fra Tolstoys og bogens holdning om, at denne ugerning skulle være retfærdiggjort - og mente at Tolstoy dermed havde "afsløret sin despotiske holdning til kvindekønnet". Værket blev fremført af den Böhmiske kvartet 1924 i Prag..
String Quartet no. 2 "Intime breve"
* Registration:
* Date: 1928
* Notes: String Quartet no. 2 skrev Janácek i en alder af 74 år, hvor han - under et ophold i Luhacovice Spa i Mähren -forelskede sig i en ung kvinde, Kamila Stösslová, som dels var gift og, som dels med sine 36 år var næ- sten 40 år yngre end Janácek. Kvartetten havde oprindeligt arbejdstitlen "Kærlighedsbreve",men Janácek ændrede senere navnet til "Intime breve", da han - "ikke ønskede at udlevere sine følelser til idioters nåde!" Værket blev færdiggjort på få uger ca. et halvt år før hans død, men blev først opført af den Mähriske kvartet i Brno en måned efter begravelsen..

Jarecki, Henryk
* Full name:
* Born: 1846 - 1918
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jarecki, Tadeusz
* Full name:
* Born: 1889 - 1955
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes: Født i Poland - søn af Henryk J..
String Quartet no. 1 opus 12
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 16
* Registration:
* Date: 1921
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 21
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jarnach, Philipp
* Full name:
* Born: 1892
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes: Født i France - spansk far.
String Quartet c-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1916
* Notes: Ikke udgiv..
String Quartet opus 16
* Registration:
* Date: 1924
* Notes:

Jarnovic, Ivan Mane
* Full name:
* Born: 1745 - 1804
* Nationality: Yugoslavia
* Notes: Efternavn staves også Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane. Uenighed om fødselsår (evt 1735) - og selv fødested (evt. Italy ell. Kroatien ). 3-6 str.kvartetter.
String Quartet no. 1 F-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Er også arr. for str.orkester.
String Quartet no. 2 A-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Er også arr. for str.orkester.
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jaroch, Jiri
* Full name:
* Born: 1920
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1947-50
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1968-70
* Notes:

Jarrett, Keith
* Full name:
* Born: 1945
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jastrzebska, Anna
* Full name:
* Born: 1950
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes: Født i Polen - kom til Norway 1980.
String Quartet "Creation"
* Registration:
* Date: 1977
* Notes:

Jebe, Halfdan
* Full name:
* Born: 1868 - 1937
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet "Billeder fra Yucatán"
* Registration:
* Date:
* Notes: Ikke udgivet.
String Quartet "Lad våren komme"
* Registration:
* Date:
* Notes: Ikke udgivet.

Jekimowski, Viktor
* Full name: Jekimowski, Viktor Alexejevitch
* Born: 1947
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet "Komposition 7"
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Jelinek, Hanns
* Full name:
* Born: 1901 - 1969
* Nationality: Austria
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 10
* Registration:
* Date: 1931
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 13
* Registration:
* Date: 1934-35
* Notes:

Jemnitz, Sandór
* Full name:
* Born: 1890 - 1963
* Nationality: Hungary
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 2b
* Registration:
* Date: 1911
* Notes: Ikke udgiv..
String Quartet no. 2 opus 55
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes: Ikke udgiv..

Jeney, Zoltán
* Full name:
* Born: 1943
* Nationality: Hungary
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes: Skrevet "for en eller flere String Quartetter".

Jenkins, Karl
* Full name:
* Born: 1944
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jenny, Albert
* Full name:
* Born: 1912
* Nationality: Switzerland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jensch, Lothar
* Full name:
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1943
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1953
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 "Movement à quatre"
* Registration:
* Date: 1960
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 "Essai à quatre"
* Registration:
* Date: 1968-71
* Notes:

Jeppsson, Kerstin
* Full name:
* Born: 1913 - 1983
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1948
* Notes:
String Quartet "Prometheus"
* Registration:
* Date: 1983
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Vocazione"
* Registration:
* Date: 1982
* Notes:

Jerabek, Pavel
* Full name:
* Born: 1948
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1972-73
* Notes:

Jeremiás, Otakar
* Full name:
* Born: 1892 - 1962
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 3 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1910
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 6 "Suita ve starém slohu"
* Registration:
* Date: 1910
* Notes: Titel: "Suite i gammel stil".

Jerjomins, Igors
* Full name:
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Latvia
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:

Jerkanjan, Jerwand
* Full name:
* Born: 1951
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: Født i Armenien.
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes:

Jermolajev, Michail
* Full name: Jermolajev, Michail Georgijewitsch
* Born: 1952
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Vier Miniaturen"
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes:

Jersild, Jørgen
* Full name:
* Born: 1913
* Nationality: Denmark
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Quartetti piccoli"
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:

Jettel, Rudolf
* Full name:
* Born: 1905
* Nationality: Austria
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jezek, Jaroslav
* Full name:
* Born: 1906 - 1942
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1932
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1941
* Notes:

Jirackova, Marta
* Full name:
* Born: 1932
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 33
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes: M. titel: "The Blankenburg Fugue".

Jirasek, Ivo
* Full name:
* Born: 1920
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1963-66
* Notes: M. titel: "Four Studies".
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes: M. titel: "Three aces for Four Instruments".
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1977-78
* Notes: M. titel: "Ludi contre toni".

Jirko, Ivan
* Full name:
* Born: 1926
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 "á la Viennoise"
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Jirák, Karel Boleslav
* Full name:
* Born: 1891 - 1972
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 9
* Registration:
* Date: 1915
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 31
* Registration:
* Date: 1926-27
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 41
* Registration:
* Date: 1940
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 63
* Registration:
* Date: 1949
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 opus 67
* Registration:
* Date: 1951
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6 opus 80
* Registration:
* Date: 1957-58
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7 opus 82
* Registration:
* Date: 1960
* Notes:

Joachim, Joseph
* Full name:
* Born: 1831 - 1907
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet c-minor "Quartettensatz"
* Registration:
* Date: 1881
* Notes:

Joachim, Otto
* Full name:
* Born: 1910
* Nationality: Canada
* Notes: Født i Düsseldorf.
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1956
* Notes:

Jochum, Otto
* Full name:
* Born: 1898 - 1969
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 3 "Variationen"
* Registration:
* Date: 1928
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 172 "Lasst die Gläser klingen"
* Registration:
* Date: 1958
* Notes: Også arr. for str.orkester.
String Quartet opus 22 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1930
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 58 "Wanderschaft"
* Registration:
* Date: 1934
* Notes:

Jodál, Gábor
* Full name:
* Born: 1913
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes: Familien kom fra Hungary.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:

Joffe, Shlomo
* Full name:
* Born: 1909
* Nationality: Israel
* Notes: Født i Polen.
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:
String Quartet "Fantasia"
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:

Johansen, Bertil Palmar
* Full name:
* Born: 1954
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet "Chili String"
* Registration:
* Date: 1994
* Notes:
String Quartet "On a Spring String"
* Registration:
* Date: 1996
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1986
* Notes: M. titel: "Songs of The Nightingale".

Johansen, David Monrad
* Full name:
* Born: 1888 - 1974
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 36
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes: Skrevet til Hindar-kvartettens jubilæumskoncert..

Johanson, Sven Eric
* Full name: Johanson, Sven Eric Emanuel
* Born: 1919 - 1997
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes: Født i Västervik..
String Quartet "Jig for Jones"
* Registration:
* Date: 1949
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1946-47
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1948
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 "Séquences variables"
* Registration:
* Date: 1960
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1964
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: 1997
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Johansson, Björn
* Full name:
* Born: 1913 - 1983
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1968
* Notes: M. titel: "Fyra aforistiska porträttstudier".
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1978
* Notes:

Johnsen, Hallvard
* Full name: Johnsen, Hallvard Olav
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes: Født i Hamburg.
String Quartet no. 1 opus 36
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 57
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 106
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 opus 112 "Såkornet"
* Registration:
* Date: 1993
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6 opus 121
* Registration:
* Date: 19 ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 46
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:

Johnson, David
* Full name:
* Born: 1922
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "3 Pieces"
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:

Johnson, Geir
* Full name:
* Born: 1953
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet "For Dancers"
* Registration:
* Date: 1991
* Notes:

Johnson, Robert Sherlaw
* Full name:
* Born: 1932
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:

Johnson, Scott
* Full name:
* Born: 1952
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Cold War Suite"
* Registration:
* Date: 1991
* Notes: Fra "How It Happens".
String Quartet "Soliloquy"
* Registration:
* Date: 1991
* Notes: Fra "How It Happens".

Johnston, Benjamin
* Full name: Johnston, Benjamin Burwell
* Born: 1926
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet " 9 variations"
* Registration:
* Date: 1959
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1964
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1966-67
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes:

Jokinen, Erkki
* Full name:
* Born: 1941
* Nationality: Finland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1993
* Notes:
String Quartet no. ?
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes:

Jolas, Betsy
* Full name:
* Born: 1926
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet "Quatuor III"
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes:

Jolivet, André
* Full name:
* Born: 1905 - 1974
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1934
* Notes:

Jones, Charles
* Full name:
* Born: 1910
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes: Født i Canada.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1936
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1944
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1951
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Jones, Daniel
* Full name: Jones, Daniel Jenkyn
* Born: 1912
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes: Wales.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1946
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Jong, Marinus de
* Full name:
* Born: 1891
* Nationality: Belgium
* Notes:
String Quartet "4e quatuor á cordes en modes antiques"
* Registration:
* Date: 1956
* Notes:

Jongen, Joseph
* Full name: Jongen, Joseph Marie Alphonse Nicolas
* Born: 1873 - 1953
* Nationality: Belgium
* Notes:
String Quartet "3 pieces for String Quartet"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet "Prelude and Chaconne"
* Registration:
* Date: 1934
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1894
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1916
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1921
* Notes:

Joplin, Scott
* Full name:
* Born: 1868 - 1917
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "New Rag"
* Registration:
* Date: 1912
* Notes: Arr. for 4 vc.

Jora, Mihail
* Full name:
* Born: 1891 - 1971
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 9
* Registration:
* Date: 1926
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 52
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:

Jordan, Sverre
* Full name:
* Born: 1899 - 1972
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 71 a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1960
* Notes:

Josephs, Wilfred
* Full name:
* Born: 1927
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 78
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes:

Joteyko, Tadeusz
* Full name:
* Born: 1872 - 1932
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 17
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 46
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Joubert, John
* Full name: Joubert, John Pierre Herman
* Born: 1927
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes: Født i Cape Town.
String Quartet no. 1 opus 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 91
* Registration:
* Date: 1977
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 10 C-major "Miniature"
* Registration:
* Date: 1956
* Notes:

Jullien, Renè
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 17 "4 novelettes"
* Registration:
* Date: 1914
* Notes:

Junck, Benedetto
* Full name:
* Born: 1852 - 1903
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet E-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1886
* Notes:

Junger, Ervin
* Full name:
* Born: 1931
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:

Juon, Paul
* Full name: Juon, Paul Pavel Fedorovich
* Born: 1872 - 1940
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes: Født i Moskva.
String Quartet no. 1 opus 5 D-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1898
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 29 a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1904
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 67 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1920
* Notes:

Juzeliunas, Julius
* Full name:
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Lithuania
* Notes:
String Quartet "Blumengespräche"
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes: M. sopran-stemme.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 "Neun Briefe und Postskriptum"
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 "Raga a quattro"
* Registration:
* Date: 1980
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1947
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1953-54
* Notes:

Járdányi, Pál
* Full name:
* Born: 1920 - 1966
* Nationality: Hungary
* Notes:

Jørgensen, Erik
* Full name:
* Born: 1912
* Nationality: Denmark
* Notes:
String Quartet "Piece f. str.kv."
* Registration:
* Date: 1964-65
* Notes:

Jørgensen, Klaus Ib
* Full name:
* Born: na
* Nationality: Denmark
* Notes:
String Quartet "I to statiske hændelser"
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes: