Lexnet SIA
Kalna Viboni, Straupes pagasts
LV-4152 Cesu novads,
Latvia |
Mobile: +371-2616-2303
Skype: gjortler
VAT reg. no: LV 40003655379 |
E-mail: pgj@lexnet.eu
Web: www.lexnet.eu
Member: www.eurolex.com |
● Legal advice for law firms, private companies and public institutions
● Legal development projects for international organisations
● Legal training at the professional and university level |
● Lexnet has focus on issues related to the
European Union, where training and legal advice has been provided
in many countries throughout Europe and other parts of the world
● Lexnet has extensive
experience in Free Movement,
Competition, State Aid, Environment, Public Procurement,
Intellectual Property, Public and Private
International Law, as well as Human Rights and Judicial
● Lexnet contributes to
the dissemination of legal and
cultural information, with a
special emphasis on history and music
Recent updates
● New resource file on
EU public
procurement cases from 2008 to 2024,
the file from 1976 to 2009
● Updated resource file on
EU public procurement
law, including the regulation on foreign subsidies distorting
the internal market
● Revised note on connecting
WDTV to Windows,
including sound quality and recent Microsoft updates |
